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Thank you to our Donors
Maestro’s Circle ($1000+)
Jane Garner
Herb Klassen
Torin Chiles
Ariel Harwood-Jones
Troy Harwood-Jones
Brian McMillan
Stéphane Potvin
Jean Wuensch
Benefactors ($500 - $999)
Bruce Curtis
Patricia Ferries
Dr. M. Anne Wilson
In memoriam Alan Heard
Supporters ($100 - $499)
Heather Bywaters
Alison Curtis
Richard Corner
Diane Dempsey
Bern Hall
Chris Harwood-Jones
Tony Harwood-Jones
Brett Kingsbury
Melville McMillan
Paul Merritt
Lisa Philpott
Douglas Robinson
Ellen Singleton
Mary Taylor
Neville Thompson
Gwyneth Watkins
Friends (up to $99)
Joan Ang
Carolyn Barbon
Jess Blackmore
Marsha Bunce
Laura Dunn
Tim Firth
Marisa Harwood-Jones
Murray Hunter
Madeleine Hymowitz
Barbara Loosemore
John Loosemore
Merran Neville
Oscar Pata
Susan Pepper
Benjamin Stein
Jeanette Weston
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